Faversham Ships Ltd
Friendly little fish in a very big pond

About Us:

After acquiring our first (775mt Dwt) vessel Conformity in 1994, Faversham Ships has always sourced specific vessels to cover niche trades, commodities and routes, establishing long term relationships with repeat clients and customers. Today's current fleet (Owned and Operated) has built up to eleven vessels ranging between 2495mt to 4850mt .
The current ships are all UK/ IOM Flagged modern single deck, European built/ style coastal cargo vessels suitable for the carriage of all cargoes such as grain, bulk, containers, steel, project and dangerous goods.
At Faversham Ships (the Faversham Family), our crew are our biggest asset, whether on board or ashore. The highest level of commitment to the efficient, clean and safe operation of our ships is paramount and ensured by our loyal long term crew, many of whom joined us at the start. The ships and crew are always fully supported and backed up by our shore team comprising of mainly ex-seafarers.
All aspects of ship-management are carried out – these range from ships inspections, technical attendance, drydocking’s, and safety audits to full technical, crewing, ISM and commercial management by our in house teams in the UK and Holland.

Faversham Ships' First Vessel: Conformity – 775mt DWT. Built 1976 Holland
Our Current Conformity Vessel– 3850mt DWT. Built 2006 Holland
- Managing Vessels
- Commercial, Chartering and Technical Management Activities
- Ship Inspections
- ISM Audits
- Superintendency and Dockings for Other Operators